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My Personal Website

Hi, my name is Merhawi Ghebre Selassie. I am a 30 year old developer from Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

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CFF Maps

Using Vue to display a list of switzerland's train stations. This app displays the stations on a list and on a Google Maps. When clicking a station, the station is highlighted on the list and a popup opens with the station's info on the map. The stations are obtained with the SBB API.

  • Vue
  • Vuex
  • TypeScript
  • Maps API

The Auction House

An application where people can put items for auction and bid on other auctions. Whenever an auction comes to an end, the seller and the highest bidder are both notified by email. This app is an introduction to AWS and Serverless. I used tech such as AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Simple Email Service, Simple Queue Service, S3, Route 53 and Cloudfront. Authentication is managed with Auth0.

  • Javascript
  • Node
  • AWS
  • Serverless
  • Auth0
  • React

Superhero DB

Experimenting Nextjs by building an app that displays a list of superheroes and vilains. A simple app fetching data from the superhero api. By clicking a hero, its details are displayed. We can also search a hero by its name. Some optimizations are needed. Especially regarding the way the data are fetched. May add a caching mechanism in the future.

  • Nextjs
  • TypeScript

Crown Clothing

E-Commerce web app using React, Redux and Firebase for storing data and authentication.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Firebase


One of my first React applications. Built this app while following a course on React. Small app that fetches a list of names and displays them with an image of a robot.

  • React
  • Redux


I've worked with a range of technologies in the web development world. From Back-end to Front-end.

  • Programming languages

    Experience with
    TypeScript and a little bit of Python

  • Front-end

    Experience with
    React and Vue

  • Back-end

    Experience with
    Node, REST and GraphQL APIs

  • Databases

    Experience with
    SQL and NoSQL databases

  • Clouds

    Experience with
    clouds like GCP, AWS and Firebase

  • Other

    Experience with
    Git, CI/CD pipelines, Docker, etc.

About me

I'm a Full Stack Developer based in the small town of Neuchâtel in Switzerland. I graduated in business information technology in the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland. I have more than 3 years of professional experience.
I like working with the JavaScript ecosystem. With technologies such as Typescript, React, Vue, Node, Express and many more.